Wine Lists

New Serrat tasting notes

By J'aime Cardillo

23 Jul, 2024

Serrat has released its wines from the 2023 vintage, including the Fourre-Tout and the Shiraz Viognier. Find out how Philip Rich scored the Yarra Valley wines.

Burgundian-inspired label Serrat has released its wines from the 2023 vintage. A major moment on the wine calendar, the 2023 wines include the Serrat Chardonnay, Grenache Blanc, Pinot Noir, the Autres Terres Pinot Noir from the Nenagh Park vineyard, Autres Terres Pinot Noir Tasmania, along with the always-anticipated Fourre-Tout, Grenache Noir, and Shiraz Viognier.

Tom and Nadège Carson are the husband-and-wife duo behind the Yarra Valley brand, and they say the 2023 wines mirror the high quality of the 2022 and 2021 vintages. "It's the third in what is now a quadruple set of La Niñas. An unprecedented occurrence in our lifetime: '21, '22, '23, and now '24 with cool wet springs, difficult flowering, cool summers, and later picking. Again, abnormal amounts of extra work in the vineyard, particularly in spring, but the results are worth the effort. Late picking with the cool summer and again very modest crops, the '23 wines are as good as the '22s..."

Tom and Nadège Carson of SerratSerrat's Tom and Nadège Carson.

Tom and Nadège were unable to produce a nebbiolo in 2023, but this collection sees the second release of the Grenache Blanc, which was first unveiled in half bottles in 2021. In exciting news for Serrat fans, the 2023 has been bottled in 750mls.

As is the Serrat way, the release has been divided into four tiers, with the public release on July 25. Earlier in the year Nadège told us the tier system is the fairest approach, and one that allows more people access to the limited quantities. "This strategy allows hundreds of people to experience our wines."

While there are smaller-than-usual quantities of the Shiraz Viognier, there's larger volume of Serrat Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. The Autres Terres, which is pronounced 'otruh teruh', features two pinot noirs from 'other terroirs'. The Nenagh Park vineyard is in the Yarra Valley, while the Tasmanian pinot noir features fruit from the Coal, Huon and Tamar valleys. Nadège and Tom say they'll continue to explore pinot from other terroir for future vintages.

For more information and to shop Serrat's 2023 wines visit