Brand & Sons

South Australia | Coonawarra | Bindjali

Our Review

The Brand family story starts with the arrival of Eric Brand in Coonawarra in 1950. He married Nancy Redman and purchased a 24ha block from the Redman family, relinquishing his job as a baker and becoming a grapegrower. It was not until ’66 that the first Brand’s Laira wine was made. The family sold the Brand’s Laira winery to McWilliam’s Wines in '94, with Eric’s son Jim Brand staying on as chief winemaker until he passed away in '05. Today Brand & Sons is run by Sam Brand, the 4th generation of this family, which has played a major role in Coonawarra for over 70 years. -JAMES HALLIDAY


Cabernet sauvignon and blends, shiraz, cabernet franc

Stockist Information

Distribution Information

Vic: Ascott Wine Services

International Sales Information

UK: Dreyfus Ashby
US: Wine Diplomacy


Parade Cellars, Edinburgh Hotel & Cellars, Cellarbrations Melbourne Street, Fassina Fine Wines, Nicks Wine Merchants, Gilbert Street Hotel, Wellington Hotel, Mayura Station, OG Hotel, Goodwood Cellars, Cellarbrations Fullarton, Cellarbrations Blackwood, St Peters Cellars


Brand and Sons resized logo
Winemaker Sam Brand, Peter Weinberg
Viticulturalist Trent Brand
Traditional Place Name Bindjali
Region Coonawarra
Address 11 Mary Street, Coonawarra, SA 5263 (postal)
Established 2005
Dozens 5000
Vineyards (area) 32 ha
Opening Hours Not
Telephone 0488 771 046