Brave Goose Vineyard

Victoria | Central Victoria Zone

Our Review

The Brave Goose Vineyard was planted in 1988 by former chairman of the Grape & Wine Research and Development Corporation, Dr John Stocker, and wife Joanne. In ’87 they found a property on the inside of the Great Dividing Range, near Tallarook, with north-facing slopes and shallow, weathered ironstone soils. They established 2.5ha each of shiraz and cabernet sauvignon, and 0.5ha each of merlot, viognier and gamay. The brave goose in question was the sole survivor of a flock put into the vineyard to repel cockatoos and foxes. Two decades on, Jo and John handed the operation to their winemaker daughter Nina and son-in-law John Day. -JAMES HALLIDAY


Winemaker Nina Stocker
Region Central Victoria Zone
Address PO Box 852, Seymour, Vic 3660
Established 1988
Dozens 500
Vineyards (area) 6.5 ha
Opening Hours Not
Telephone 0417 553 225