Bass River Winery

Victoria | Gippsland

Our Review

The Butera family's 44ha property supports grass-fed beef and olive groves as well as viticulture. Pinot noir, chardonnay, riesling, merlot and cabernet were first planted here in '98. Both the winemaking and viticulture are handled by father-and-son team Pasquale and Frank. The small production is principally sold through the cellar door, with some retailers and restaurants in the South Gippsland area. Exports to Japan and the UK. -JAMES HALLIDAY


Winemaker Frank Butera
Viticulturalist Pasquale Butera, Frank Butera
Region Gippsland
Address 1835 Dalyston Glen Forbes Road, Glen Forbes, Vic 3990
Established 1998
Dozens 1500
Vineyards (area) 6 ha
Opening Hours Thurs–Tues 10–5
Telephone (03) 5678 8252